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With AudioAssessor©, there is no more software to buy or upgrade and no more waiting for employee reports to be mailed back. Test data is uploaded, processed and stored on our secure servers with the click of a button, employee reports are available for printing at the time of the test, and test data can be accessed any time for record entry and management reporting. All it takes is a high-speed Internet connection and a computer. Data can be uploaded automatically from a microprocessor audiometer for even greater time savings.EI launched AudioAssessor© in 2000 as a pay-as-you-go, online data management program specifically focused on hearing conservation. AudioAssessor©'s mission statement is "to provide users with cost-effective, real-time, audiometric data management that helps reduce time expenditure, data uncertainty and excess cost."«« RespiratorAssessorPulmonaryAssessor »»

Regardless of what spirometer you may be using, PulmonaryAssessor© provides instantaneous interpretation of PFT results and the assurance of professional oversight by a Licensed Pulmonologist. PulmonaryAssessor© utilizes the latest reference values (NHANES III) from the American Thoracic Society and is scalable in any environment from manufacturing to clinical studies.With no software to purchase or upgrade and no more waiting for employee reports to be mailed back, PulmonaryAssessor© provides users with a simple and cost-effective way to enhance their occupational health testing programs. Test data is uploaded, processed and stored on our secure servers with the click of a button, employee reports are available for printing at the time of the test, and test data can be accessed any time for record entry and management reporting. All it takes is a high-speed Internet connection and a computer.«« AudioAssessorRespiratorAssessor »»

RespiratorAssessor© is the latest addition to the most user-friendly occupational health software suite on the market today. Our easy-to-use online questionnaire helps provide employee clearance for using virtually any respirator in work conditions that you specify yourself.Quickly and easily generate unique authorization codes for each of your employees to complete the questionnaire at any computer with internet access. Questionnaires are reviewed by a Board-Certified Occupational Health Physician and clearance results are returned within 24 hours!Recordkeeping is a snap with RespiratorAssessor©. Log in to your secure account at any time and run reports on questionnaire completion, employee clearance status and further medical testing recommendations.«« PulmonaryAssessorAudioAssessor »»

Managing your occupational health data requires a cost-effective, online software solution in today's economy. Combine that solution with a secure, user-friendly interface and unrivaled customer service, and you’ll see why so many people are talking about the Assessor© software suite!

AudioAssessor© has set the industry standard as the foremost hearing conservation software application
to harness the internet's power.
In today's world of "software on demand," AudioAssessor© has revolutionized the way audiometric
test data is managed.LEARN MORE »»

Looking for a user friendly system to help manage your Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) data?Breathe easy…PulmonaryAssessor© makes
data collection and recordkeeping
a breeze.LEARN MORE »»

Medically clearing your employees
to wear a respirator has never
been easier! OSHA’s respiratory protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134) allows for respirator medical clearance through the completion of a questionnaire and RespiratorAssessor© makes it simple.LEARN MORE »»

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